The human body, when functioning optimally, has the inate ability to nutrualize certain toxins and then eliminate it through a number of different routes. These toxins include by-products from our normal metabolism, and some from foods that we ingest, and to a small extend toxins from the environment that we live in. The routes of elimination include our skin, lungs, kidneys, and one other very important detoxification organ, the liver.
Unfortunately, however, our environment is has become heavily polluted with more toxins and our our foods are laced with them as well. Poor lifestyle, prolonged pharmacuetical drug use, exccessive alcohol consumption along and/or long term stress all contribute to a compromised detoxification functions. A sub-optimally detoxifation systems leads to accumulation of these toxins, which in turn predispose us to health problem such as skin breakouts, indigestion, low energy, frequent colds and flus etc.
It goes without saying that that a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy stress managment methods would mean a perfectly balanced body that functions optimally. The reality, however is that no one lives in an ideal world, we all neglect some aspect of healthy living, some times, at best. This is why it is important to do a “detox” on a regular basis. This way, you are giving your body a break, a chance to recuperate from the prolonged stress.
A detox can be done in a variety of different ways and in different combinations, the two most well-known are herbal supplementation and/or dietary changes. Dietary changes is the core of the process, while herbal supplementation is also necessary. By “cleaning up” your diet, you would essentially be eliminating or minimizing the input of toxins into the body, breaking the constant assault. Because detoxification after a long period of poor lifestyle is a taxing activity on the body, herbal supplementation are needed to help support the organs, such as the liver and also help quicken the elimination of the increased toxin load.
While there are many detox kits on the market, some may not be suitable for your specific needs. It is important to consult a licensed health prfessional to ensure that you are not doing your body a dis-sevice by taking the supplements that are not suited for your health needs. Naturopahtic doctors have the expertise to advise you to detox effectively and safely. Give us a call today and book an appointment with our naturopathic doctor Lei Gu to see how you can best begin your detox this year.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
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